Tuesday 27 March 2012

"... kick off your shoes, put your feet up, lean back and just enjoy the melodies. After all, music soothes even the savage beast."

G.Wizard | 11:57 am | Best Blogger Tips
What peeps yell when they want me: I usually hear "oi, you!" but traditionally it's Nick
Genitalia: Schlong
Years of being alive: 21
Hails from: Shakecity (CHCH)
Y'still there?: Nae, currently residing in Welly

What's yo' vocation?
I dashed up to Welly about 2 weeks ago after being won over by it's busking/music, bar scene and hordes of stunning lasses. I am an aspiring musician who hopes to make his mark in Welly and really begin to focus on my personal music; I'm in the (lengthy) process of recording an EP of solo pieces and also have a whole bunch o' other EP ideas in the think-tank. A big goal for Welly is to hit the busking scene - I have garnered a ridonkulously-impressive busking setup which essentially allows me to become a one man-band, albeit a rather poor one (until I dish out a sexy guitar solo that is). I'm gonna be working my tits off to try and network, gig, write some kickin' tunes, join some kingin' bands and shove my music down as many throats of the adoring public as possible.
I expect I'll eventually get lynched.

I've been working the past 5 years in hospo, mainly working as a bartender so when my bank runs dry you'll nae doubt see me either dropping flat whites or muddling mojitos. I have a strong distaste for hospo, having been known to yell at and berate customers (the customer's always right my arse!) but my strong passion for alcohol has become a double-edged sword; allowing me to escape the horrors of hospo at the bottom of a bottle yet also dragging me back to work with my knowledge of the heavenly liquid. As such, this year is really for me to get my music rolling. I'd better get started.

Tells us about yo'self, oi you
Well, you already know two of my biggest passions. I also get my kicks out of flicks, drawing, writing, travelling, cooking and indulging in the glorious discipline of Hat-Time. I have a blog which I update roughly every month; it focuses primarily on my musical aspect but also includes snippets of my daily life. I was raised in Port Vila in Vanuatu for the first 4-5 years of my life before my family moved back to Shakecity. I've indulged in a small amount of travelling having lived in Scotland for a year and Jersey (in the Channel Islands) for 6 months; unfortunately I did nae get to do any proper travelling around Europe as I had planned due to that bloody Icelandic volcano, but my travels did allow me to have fights with millionaires, arguments with mercenary trainers, be threatened by drug dealers, lob cakes at Rolls Royces and fall madly in love with some of the best peeps possible. In hindsight, it was quite the adventure, and that's all I wish to do - Adventurise.

How's your abode?
Right now, I'd say it's roughly 95% complete. It's looking radtastic but I've got to stick up my wall decorations and buy a bedside table or something. In comparison with Regano I am the complete opposite; I can't stand a messy room and I like to survey my estate from the comfort of my bed. And in my opinion, I've got a fucking mansion.

Much love, hombres.

- Oi, you (Nick) 

Friday 23 March 2012

it could be worse

regan | 12:44 am | Best Blogger Tips
I am thinking it would be a good idea for each of us to write a brief introduction since not everybody knows each other yet. A possible template could be:

name regan
gender male
age 20 (born 1991, the year of loveless!)
from ĹŒtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
current whereabouts same as above! very exciting!

this year i am doing a one year graduate diploma in secondary school teaching. Last year I graduated from a bad university in english and psychology with media/communication as a minor so this year I am training to be a high school teacher in english/maths/media studies. I'm in my first term of the course and have almost finished my first teaching placement (only one week to go sadly). This weekend I will be frantically compiling a zine of haiku poems written by students in my four english classes so that I can give them all a copy next week...It's my first attempt at a zine so i'm looking forward to seeing it finished (pasting has never seemed so fun).

I have also organised a live poetry event for the school at lunchtime on monday which will hopefully go well; I made a poster and stuck it around the school over the last week and have put a message in the school notices (as well as a daily haiku) so hopefully a lot of students will come and be brave enough to perform as live poetry is very very fun.

what i like to do writing (stories/poems), music (play guitar badly/big cd collection/starting to get vinyls), skateboarding (still practicing moving ollies), tennis, badminton, table tennis, football, gardening (this year i am learning to grow vegetables), chocolate (i eat too much of this, there was four day period a few weeks ago where i would come home from school each day and consume an entire block of chocolate. this was bad. i am now off chocolate until 20/04/12. see here for a previous attempt at restricting chocolate consumption), marshmellows (easier to control), movies (i guess everyone likes them though), videogames sometimes (don't really have time to play them anymore but am currently njoying digging up some of my old gamecube classics + crash bandicoot 3)

my room currently looks quite messy. It is in a 'transitional' stage...Unfortunately a trend with rooms that I occupy is that they remain perpetually in this stage.

the first poster

regan | 12:15 am | Best Blogger Tips
kia ora koutou,

the idea for this blog was conceived several months ago.
my frister, rosa, was preparing to move from wellington (the capital city of aotearoa new zealand)
to melbourne, australia,
via a few weeks in christchurch.
at the same time i was about to move into my first flat.
rosa and i decided to have a competition to see who could create the best room since we would both be starting from scratch
(we are both big fans of cool used furniture and walls covered in posters/artwork).

blogging was the easiest way to track this, hence the creation of poster kids.
many more friends were keen on the idea, which soon expanded, so this blog is now a place for us to post thoughts, art, writing, photos, room updates and anything else interesting, on a 'whenever you feel like it' basis.

current poster kids:


(if you would like to be involved, flick an email to kidsposter@gmail.com