Friday 23 March 2012

the first poster

regan | 12:15 am | Best Blogger Tips
kia ora koutou,

the idea for this blog was conceived several months ago.
my frister, rosa, was preparing to move from wellington (the capital city of aotearoa new zealand)
to melbourne, australia,
via a few weeks in christchurch.
at the same time i was about to move into my first flat.
rosa and i decided to have a competition to see who could create the best room since we would both be starting from scratch
(we are both big fans of cool used furniture and walls covered in posters/artwork).

blogging was the easiest way to track this, hence the creation of poster kids.
many more friends were keen on the idea, which soon expanded, so this blog is now a place for us to post thoughts, art, writing, photos, room updates and anything else interesting, on a 'whenever you feel like it' basis.

current poster kids:


(if you would like to be involved, flick an email to


  1. Another li'l project I've been doing is taking a self-portait photo every day to compile and eventually turn into an animation after my adventures in Welly are complete. I did this whilst I was overseas and it was a fun li'l project. I take a serious (bland) and a ridonkulous-expression photo to spice it up a bit and so the option of having at least two different self-portrait animations are available. It's a bit tricky to remember to do this every day but as long as you have you camera in sight when you wake up in the morning you eventually get into the rhythm of it.

    It'll be cool to see how radtastic our looks change in 2012.

  2. this sounds gooooood. i want to see the transition from short haired nick to longer haired nick and then back to no haired nick when i fly up to welly in the dead of night and shave your head with the world's most quiet razor. and then i'll fashion a hairboat out of your locks and place it in a drool sea on your mantlepiece (the thought of you having a mantlepiece entertains me). you'll love it!
