Monday 13 August 2012

Broad’s Bastards

Nathahahalie | 5:08 pm | Best Blogger Tips

My first blog post. 

The Toulouse Crew is a wholesome flat. Named after a humble cat and upheld by domestic principles: cleaning, cooking and baking.
Yes the girls talk at turbo speed a side effect of their addiction to The Gilmore Girls and Ronan dresses to the word of the great ASOS.
Yes ASOS. Ronan loves ASOS.
Every so often (very often) the mail man will deliver an ASOS parcel at 7.30am to the Toulouse Crew Door with a delightful package for Ronan.
7am package delivery-- never for me
He claims these are shirts, shoes or bumper bags from the site of gods.
This is all a fallacy.
In reality these packages are a tactical cover up for the brutal, bad-ass and bone fide gang -- Broad’s Bastards.
Ronan created this monstrosity on completion of his biology degree. His love for all things genetically modified led him to the creation of the latest wonder drug.
‘Ronan’s Roulette’
Each leaf contains a different hard drug. Heroin, Cocaine, Acid, Ecstasy and a mega leaf (all four combined). You cannot tell which leaf has which drug thus the roulette.
Ronan's real life story

Each ASOS package is actually stacks of cash or packages of this drug.
Do things make sense now? That’s why Ronan buys ASOS, that’s why he studies so hard, that’s where he goes at night.
I may have said too much but the world needs to know the terror behind this face.
High on himself

Ronan I hope you will still love me after this
-- Nathahahalie xo

1 comment:

  1. Finally the truth is revealed. I am even more disgusted by Ronan's ASOS habit now. Not only carbon footprinting up a storm but augmenting an international drug cartel as well...Christchurch just became East Side Baltimore.
