Sunday 26 August 2012

New Zealand Hip Hop Stand The Fuck Up

Damien | 6:50 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
What up brethas?!

My name is Damien and I have been known to partake in activities of a gansta. Erry day in Spag Junx you will see me rep'n my colours and flashing my 9. I have also recently acquired a bad ass chain with a dollar sign on it. The life is mean. Although this has continued as a joke through our group, I do have a true love of the world's rap music.Today I am hear to tell you about some of NZ's great hiphop/rap music.

First up I will hit you with some David Dallas. This guy has been around for a while now but you may not have noticed till the past year or 3. He started out in the band Frontline and released a few mean songs with his bros (i.e. check out Breathe With Me). He also appeared in Scribe's hit Not Many (Remix) (at about 2 mins in) which I don't think many people know about and is probably the best rap in the song. When I first listened to him ages ago I though he was just another typical rip off of the American rap scene but he has definitely grown into his own. Ever since being mentioned on Kanye Wests blog he has blown up and continues to release mean as songs. This track is from The Rose Tint and shows the great flow and beats:

 I am definitely going to keep following him and you should pick up some of his music too.

The next group I will talk about is Home Brew. I was only introduced to them this year (through concerts of @peace and themselves) and luckily they had just released and album. I bought that shit and listened to it thoroughly. It is a pretty awesome album that is quite honest really. Songs about the real life in NZ I guess. There is a lot of stuff that people don't see here and these guys expose a lot of it. Although it may look like they are a bunch of rough guys on the benefit, that promote drinking and drugs, they are really just being honest about some of us and how we get through the bad days. Here are a couple songs:

I love this song. It is addicting. I think it has something to do with the synths.

The next one is also amazing and is real consideration of the system we live in.

Chillstreet are a cool little NZ music duo. Tony Douglas and JimJamz have just put together a nice little EP called the KeepItKiwi.Ep (download it here, donate if you can). They make some really chill songs that just remind me sooooo much of home. This is the kind of the New Zealand I saw growing up in the North Island or maybe just heard as their accents and slang are just so familiar. I hope by posting this my white (hah) southern friends can see what it is like to be me or anyone else from a small North Island town. Here is one of there songs and although the rhymes are not amazing its just sooo chill:

Lets hope they make it.

Sweet that is all for now.

Damien (Wee-dey)

P.S. I am pretty sure all my flat mates have heard this stuff to death, but now I hope you can appreciate it too. If you know any great tunes let me know!


  1. I actually do love this blog post so much :) Checking out some of great New Zealand hip hop right now and absolutely loving David Dallas :)


  2. Chur,

    Thanks heaps L they all have a few songs out there so check em out!

    1. Hey, Damien thanks for the sick post bro, home brew and chill st are blowing my mind right now! Here in Syd weve got some awesome shit like fat kontrollerz, loose change, joel rapaport, ellesquire anything on the big village label, check this shit out:

      Mike G

    2. also hit me up if you hear any more sick kiwi shit

  3. Thanks bro. Fat kontrollerz look sick so far. A dude I like is Yvnalesca ( He doesn't rap but makes sick tunes..
