Friday 20 April 2012

my flat hotting

regan | 5:26 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
as im sure you are all awear my flat warming was on last saturday night and you were all probably there partying with me as randy from trailer park boys it was funny because i had been out all day and had gone out for more dinners on plates so i got arrived back to my flat late and i read a sign on my door saying YOU ARE RANDY i thought this was great because i love trailer park boys and randy is a great character who is fat and has a hairy chest and eats cheese burrgers all the time and never wears a t shirt on the show so even though im skinny and don't eat cheese burgrs i was stoked (pun intended hahaha) to portray his chracter

it was also great because we had  a lot of bread at our flat for people to eat for nergies because we had stoling lots of bread from a dumpster a a few nights before because we had cool freinds down from tamaranui who allways go dumpester diving because its the thing to do in tamuranui so after a night of skating  at my washington skate park, christchurch, aoteroaa we went and stole bread so we had heaps of bread at the flat warming to feed everyone and we didnt have to worry about food (i think this deservs a post of it self so keep an eye out for future posts!!!!)

 alex was ricky because he practically is ricky and has a difficult time pronuncing jalapeno scott was julian damien was j-roc and brad was bubbles it was gerat because no one knew who we were when they arrived but we had trailer park boys playing on the tv all night with out the sound on so when people asker who we were we were able to point to the tv and explain and they would be really impressed because we all looked exactly like them

 here is a photo of me at my flat warming:

the funny thig was though in all the photos of me like the one above it looks like im just rediculously drunk and have lost all my cloths and people drew on me cause i was too drunk to releasie they were drewing on me and because my good friend ronan come dressed as me for the dress up party because i am so cool it looks like he has stoling all my clothes because i was too actual fact i did not drink that nite lolol bt all da pepl on the facbook will think i did O NO

i wrote a poem about my great night at my flat warming here it is njoy:

i thought i might dress in bread
my flatmates decided randy instead
they took away my shirt
my pasty skin hurt
but at least in the end i got to bed

much love,


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