Thursday 19 April 2012

stay happy, stay sane

Rosa. | 3:03 am | Best Blogger Tips
Name: Rosa Borg
Gender: Questionable. I will go with female.
Age: 21, I shall stop aging now thanks very much.
From: CHCH through and through baby!
Current whereabouts: Hawthorn, Melbourne

This year I am doing: Ryan Gosling, Hamish Blake and Russel Norman. And also living a life of variety! My trusted friend Sentia Media has provided me with a casual job to complement my social development studies. I shall also be keeping 'work' to a minimum, designing pretty visuals via Adobe, screen printing, sewing, building (both wooden structures and friendships), volunteering/being socially constructive in some capacity, travelling, cooking (and therefore eating), learning, meeting as many new people as possible, laughing a shit load, dancng a lot, being an extra in a B-grade Aussie sit-com and flower arranging. Staying happy and staying sane are major goals. I aim to live in a world with a hazy yellow tinge.

What I like to do: partake in sunshine picnics with cheese, sparkling brews, The Shins in the background, and people I love/will love before the day's end making lame yet fucking hilarious jokes about nothing much. Create textured typography. Photo montage. Tell people that look great that they look great. Inform misoginistic assholes of their social shortcomings. DANCE! Daydream about fantastic yet somehow possible scenarios which involve me entering into awesomely funny yet in no way scripted dialogue with desirable men. Paint brightly coloured nails. Read Nick Hornby. Watch Ryan Gosling. Hug my sister. Think of all the exciting things in the world there is left to do.

My room currently: as someone who spent a year with no bedroom (oh the dramas of the Western world!), my current room + sunroom setup fills me with pleasure whenever I return to it. Jizz-worthy photos to follow. I suggest you prepare a nappy.

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