Saturday 7 July 2012


Dr Beatz | 4:36 pm | Best Blogger Tips
Hi there! I'm Rosa Hughes-Currie. I'm twenty one years old and might have gone to school with you. Or maybe not. I am studying for my PhD in physics. I like poetry and music and novels and bush walks and dogs. Actually, I like a lot of things, so I cut the list a bit short. I also really like making pals, especially with amazing people, which is lucky because I seem to meet a lot of them.

Anyway, here are some pictures of my room. Let me tell you about it! I live in a flat in Ilam with my pals Luke and Merryn. One is studying to be a chemistry teacher and one is studying psychology and is involved with a lot of theatre and musical productions at uni.

There is my large Collins dictionary which is used to settle vicious scrabble and boggle disputes. The dictionary is law, but it is so large it has pretty much every word you might think is maaaybe a word in it so if you are ever playing scrabble at my house I suggest you guess at some plausible but obscure words. There is a map of the world in the Mercator projection. this is actually one of my least favourite projections because it makes richer areas of the Earth, like Europe, seem to have much more land mass than it really does in comparison to places like Africa and South America. I prefer the Galls-Peters projection which keeps the land mass the same. I think the different ways you can map spheres onto flat surfaces is pretty interesting but I admit it's not for everyone.

There is the painting my pal James gave me for my birthday. There is a picture of Nick Cave in a very messy room which makes me feel better when my own room is messy. There is my duffel coat which my pal Sophie gave me because she was leaving the country. It is as close as you can get to being in bed wrapped in cosy duvets while being outside in the Christchurch winter. There are pictures of things that are good to think about: renewable energy, fusion reactors, comets, river deltas. There is a beautiful painting by Salvador Dali.

There is the zine I made and distributed to strangers. It is about a relationship I am still a bit cut up about. There is an envelope that held a "sorry you broke up" card from Sophie. There is a letter from Marissa. I really hate people I love being far away but I really like receiving mail!

There are some photos of beautiful parts of New Zealand from an old calendar, and one photo of Shanghai. There is a photograph of my mum when she was young and angry at the American military!

Okay, well, that's my room!


  1. Such a wonderful room you have there, Miss Rosa. :) I love this blog post. x


  2. So many great pictures on the wall! The one of your mum is brilliant- I didn't know anything about the Black Birch observatory and now I do =)

  3. This is an amazing room!!! Very inspiring n.n.n.n
