Tuesday 31 July 2012


regan | 11:41 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
For many months now, our flat Spaghetti Junction and our friends' flat Toulouse Crew have been casually battling for a broken kitchen bowl called The Prize. Our flats are very close to each other so each flat tries to take The Prize from the other and hold it for as long as possible. There are a few rules however:

1. The Prize must always be on display by the flat that is in possession of it (you can't hide it)

2. If you take The Prize but are caught with it whilst still on the property of the current host flat, you must return it.

(For the origins and history of The Prize, see here.)

as you can see spaghetti junction currently has The Prize
I say casually battling above because for the last few months there has been no incentive to steal The Prize other than for bragging rights and general flat pride. However, I have devised a new plan which will turn the game from a light-hearted romp to a frenetic high stakes competition. From the 1st of August (which is tomorrow), a tally will be kept of what flat holds The Prize at the strike of midnight each night. At the end of each month, the losing flat will have to provide a shared kai (dinner) for both flats at their own expense. Therefore there is a slight consequence to losing The Prize for a long period of time, yet the consequence isn't all that bad and actually fun for both flats.

Not all members of Toulouse Crew have accepted the terms of the arrangement (they are still open to editing if necessary) so this post is a great challenge to every inhabitant of Toulouse Crew. If Toulouse Crew don't accept then we can claim some sort of symbolic victory and feel happy/kinda disappointed.

Last week Ronan tried to steal The Prize from us. He parked his car in our driveway and put The Prize on his car's roof so that he could grab it as he left. But he hadn't anticipated that the vigilante Myself was on cooking/cleanup duty that night so I saw The Prize when I went outside to put the organics and recycling out and reclaimed it. Ronan is certainly going to have to up his game if he wants any chance of ultimate mana.

Ronan (pictured left) was here again tonight so spag junx was on high alert.
He has safely left now (without The Prize) so provided we can hold it for another 24 hours and 20 minutes WE WILL HAVE OUR FIRST POINT!!

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