Monday 2 July 2012

Haiku Wharepaku #5 - 7

regan | 6:27 am | | Best Blogger Tips

Tena koutou e hoa ma
(Formal greeting to three or more friends)

This post is dedicated to our number one fan who goes by the name of L. This is because I think it's great to let people who do something you like know that you like it, since they'd never know if no one bothered to say anything. L's comment on my earlier post about THE PRIZE is an example of this, because now I know that people I do not know personally read and njoy this blog which makes me happy and inspired to write more posts such as this one.

Too often I have read or seen something that I really liked, seen the creator at a later date and not told them how much I liked it, because of some weird stigma that it's somehow embarrassing or creepy to acknowledge someone else's work if you don't really know the person. As a result I now try to acknowledge generally awesome acts of creativity, whether it is through commenting via the internet or telling them in person (and probably freaking them out with too much enthusiasm...) I've always been pretty good at thanking food live bands after they play (on one occasion Nick and I both bought the Alazarin Lizard album after they played at the Dux then went around each of the band members asking for signatures) but I still need to improve on work of the visual/written variety. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that praise is good so you should aim to praise at least one person today.

BACK TO HAIKU WHAREPAKU: These haiku were conceived on the night that spag junx hosted Lucy's 21st party, so as a result i'm not sure who wrote them as there was a large influx of people using our wharepaku. It was a good night that involved flowers. 
All I know is that I did the first line of this one, which is a reference to one of my favourite TV shows (see below):

I think the last word of the second line is meant to be "truer"?

For I breathe with lungs
Yet my head faces the south
and my darling girl, she wept

(hope I've read that properly - ka pai to whoever authored this!)

looking good so far - thanks to all of the contributors!


  1. Dear Regan,

    As much as I "njoyed" your other entries(or creations, I should add), I love this so much. Yes, part of the reason involves that my name was mentioned and this post itself was dedicated to me(cheers), but I love it mostly because people who read this would know that you are such a wonderful person. :) You are so inspiring. Oh, you and your friends' haiku are beautiful creations, just so you know. x

    I could have commented on every single blog posts in this blog, but I didn't because I thought it might be too much. Please do know that I am checking out and "njoying" your blog always. :) Have an amazing day. x

    Sincerely yours,

    p.s. The third line of Haiku #7 looks like "and my darling girl"... maybe?

  2. Tena koe L,

    I am turbo happy that you are nloving the post above. Thank you for the haiku suggestion, "girl" makes a lot more sense so I have edited it in! I think it might be "heart" instead of "head" in the second line too but am not sure.

    I had better go and grab some kai now (tomato and capsicum soup wooooooooo) but will attempt to put up 1 - 2 more posts before I fly away tomorrow as I have all of these draft posts lying around that need to be finished!

