Thursday 5 July 2012

Melbourne in so far...

ronanbroad | 1:24 pm | Best Blogger Tips
Hello friends and family, I have decided to do a quick update on our trip to Melbourne to confirm that i have made it here alive. We have only been here two days and it feels like we've already done so much, it's all pretty overwhelming, but in an great way. We have already taken 358 photos... (unfortunately it takes ages to upload these photos to the blog so have just selected a handful)

First off, the city is BIG. Fun wiki fact: The population of melbs is 4,137,432 (The whole of NZ is 4,430,400).

Upon arrival it was incredibly foggy  and it appeared that a lot of the sky scrapers were in the clouds.

This appeared to be a popular place for tourists to take photos... So we did.

The city looks awesome at night.

We have managed to jam-pack some culture into our short trip already including the state art gallery and library. I thoroughly enjoyed the library:

Outside the Victoria library.
The reading room - very cool!

On the 4th floor they had a museum-like exhibition called Mirror of the World: Books & Ideas (Mum you would love this). Upon arrival of the 6th floor you are greeted by Bill Shakespeare:

"All The Worlds A Stage"

The consumption of food has already in so far played a large role in our activities. I have decided I will do a Melbourne food blog on my arrival back to NZ dedicated to my good friend Nick "I love food" Baldwin (I intend to do a burger a day with a detailed review).  Here is a teaser of our first home made dinner here:

That's right - Skippy the Kangaroo in burger format (Tastes great!)
I was stoked when Rosa informed us that the consumption of the national icon of Australia and can be readily purchased at all local supermarkets. Kangaroo meat is great for many reasons including:

1) It's healthy! It has the heart foundation tick.
2) Is high in protein and low in fat.
3) Apparently by law it is illegal to farm roo's (?) so it is all free range/wild by default.
4) It tastes good - essentially a gamey beef (but not like venison, it's hard to describe).

For breakfast I shall be partaking in a fry up of eggs and "Kanga Bangas" - I can't wait.

There's so much things we want to share but must keep it short! We're off to see some nature today so will be heading out of the city and into the wilderness. It will be interesting to see how the landscapes compare to NZ.

Much Love,



  1. Aw lovely post, miss you two boys. Looks like you're having a great time!

  2. So pleased that you got there! Looking forward to reading more and hearing all about it soon. XXXXXX
