Wednesday 9 May 2012

Beware the buses

Rachel | 1:41 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
Kia ora

I'm Regan's friend. He has brought me into this beautiful world of writing and shared opinions and wonderfulness.

My first point is this: at the end of the day, buses also need somewhere to sleep. You've seen/read Thomas the Tank Engine - it's just like that. Except in Wellington, in Kilbirnie, there is a giant shed I like to think of as the Bus Bedroom. This is where the buses go to sleep. Some snore. Others make squeaky, snuffly noises in their sleep. It's marae-style accommodation.

My second point is that: the buses in Christchurch are less content. They are lurking behind the Court Theatre discussing their bad days, and how they are going to rise up. The gate is open, so beware. Have you noticed how the brick building beside the buses is being demolished? That was the buses, not people.


  1. I am glad you have brought this to the attention of the public; you are a service to humanity. I make a specific point of not bussing anywhere anymore - bikes are much safer and less rebellious.

  2. Once, I saw a guy almost get hit by a bus. Just sayin'..
