Tuesday 1 May 2012

those of spag junx

regan | 2:50 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
I live in a flat called Spaghetti Junction. Four other humans live with me. I believe that the four humans that live with me are males because they grow facial hair thick enough to safely hide in during a game of hide and seek*

*sadly this does not include myself or damien

Here are some quick profiles of my flatmates:

Scott Allan (mouse): Scott recently shaved his beard and was unhappy when I said he looked like he used to look in Year 9. Scott is turning 21 this week!!! Scott is good at music and plays the guitar and piano. I am currently lending Scott one of my guitars and amps and he is learning the opening riff to "Plug in Baby". Scott has the biggest room in the house and sits behind a huge desk in the corner so that when you walk in it feels like you're walking into a scary job interview/meeting with your boss when in fact it is just Scott! Scott is currently studying maths and statistics and university. I just walked into Scott's room and he was:

- wearing a puffer jacket for warmth (this is a good idea, it is a cold day and I am wearing two jerseys myself)
- studying the concept of Sphericity
- listening to Videotape by Radiohead

Myself and my other flatmates like to play a game called Don't Wake The Scott. It involves waiting until Scott is asleep, then inching his door open, sneaking into his room and attempting to fit all of us on his bed before he wakes up. We have attempted this two times and have lost two times. Both times Scott has woken up and said something along the lines of "go away."

 note: the cigarette is just a prop
Damien Taylor (moose): Damien lives in a room with an almost identical area to mine. His room is long and rectangular however whilst mine is roughly square. His room is at the side of the house which is right next to the washing line so he njoys the ability to open his window and hang/take in his towel on the line without even stepping outside. Damien comes from the town of Wairoa but has been so intrinsically inducted into our circle of friends that we pretend he went to Cashmere High with us. Damien and I have been learning the chords to "Friday I'm In Love" as we both like The Cure. Damien keeps a dream diary which is a really good idea (I have recently started one too) and sometimes talks like he is "gangsta". Damien is in his final year engineering and is doing mechatronics. Damien made Macaroni Cheese for dinner last night. Both attempts at Don't Wake The Damien have so far failed. Damien is a good guy; he will bring in your washing off the line if it starts raining and put it on your bed. 

Damien has purple boxers. I know this because in our flat it is routine to stroll to the bathroom holding your towel and wearing only boxers. One night Damien was about to have a shower and came into the lounge to say something to me before he went in. I said:

and now i will explain how i knew that
For some reason the sight of Damien in his bright purple boxers made me remember that the day previously Damien had had a morning shower in the same boxers. Don't ask me how I remembered that but I did (I am part elephant). So I expressed concern that perhaps Damien had forgotten this and worn the boxers for two days in a row (my friends will know that I am all about the hygiene). It turned out that Damien actually has two pairs of the same boxers, and of course my caring and heartfelt concern over personal hygiene ended up in me seeming creepy on the Quote Wall. 

Alex Woodham (bear): We call Alex Woodham. Woodham's room is opposite mine in our flat. His room is shaped like an L and always smells like men's spray deodorant. It contains three toothbrushes (red, green and blue) arranged neatly in a line on top of a flannel. I have a strong feeling that at the strike of midnight Woodham's hands turn into mouths and demand constant dental care throughout the night. Woodham is studying psychology at university and is using my textbooks from last year. Woodham loves football! He has a big TV in his room and a couch as well. Woodham's room can be locked from the inside so sometimes when he goes to the toilet I sneak in and lock it and demand a password for entry. Woodham thinks he is better than me at Super Smash Bros Brawl but really this is not true. Woodham has a cool drawing style reminiscent of Dragon Ball Z. He is a "handyman" and has a tool kit and saw in his room. He made our two planter boxes out of spare wood we got from James and a pallet I found. He also constructed a set of shelves for our tiny bathroom and shelves for our porch which we put our herbs on. Woodham has a red car and always nabs the carport spot! In winter we will battle. 

Brad with his classic paint party shirt
Brad Cope (hedgehog): Brad lives in a tiny dwelling known as "Brad's Room". He is doing economics at uni this term and finishing his micro-biology degree next semester. Brad has been in Dunedin for the last three years and is rumoured to have been banned from the establishment known as Monkey Bar for a short period of time. Brad was top in English for Cashmere High School in Year 12. He also caused colossal disruption during the Year 13 spelling bee by spelling each word impossibly slowly (Mr. Steetskamp, the head of Britten house at the time, reportedly said that he wanted to punch Brad afterwards). Brad owns at videogames and is sometimes nocturnal. His bed has drawers underneath it which make for an excellent storage solution. After months of encouragement Brad finally moved his huge armchair from his room to the lounge where it is now arguably the most sought after chair.


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