Sunday 6 May 2012

My painting is famous

Chris | 11:26 pm | Best Blogger Tips

 This is a painting of mine featuring as a prop in a play at Uni today.
Unfortunately I could not attend this play so have no idea of the context of this photo. Perhaps someone who attended could fill us in?

My guess: A female doctor feebly attempts to console her male collegue. He has soiled his coat yet again. His uncontrollable bowel movements have pushed him into a slippery slope of depression. A painter enters the room with an easel and my painting. Suddenly the doctor is filled with awe as majestic cascades of colour penetrate his entire being. The marvellous painting has completely restored his faith in not only himself; but the whole of humanity.

I found this unfinished painting at the Eco-Shop on Blenheim Road (a sadly much more expensive incarnation of the brilliant Supershed: a haven of cheap tatty artwork and rusty HIV-laden kitchen utensils.

The painting lacked faces. I could see the potential in this painting and wondered why it was unfinished. Perhaps the artist died before they got a chance to finish it? Maybe they were a failed artist who lost motivation, gave up art altogether, and moved onto a new hobby: perhaps golf, or sipping soy caramel lattes?

Anyway, I saw this potential masterpiece while browsing the store with Matt and Regan for a sheet to cover Regan's flat's carpet so we didn't get paint on the carpet. We ended leaving with a large reddish curtain which does the job with both ample fashion and function. I hear it may well end up as a thick blanket for one of Regan's flatmates during the brisk winter months.

The man possesses rabbit ears.
The female has an unfortunate facial structure.


  1. Did anyone record this on MySky? MySky is great!

  2. Hello Chris. I found your blog in an attempt to procrastinate by following the facebook links of my friend Regan. I wrote the play that featured your painting; actually the man is a scientist who has attempted to bring Rembrandt back from the dead (featured in the yellow beret) to win a bet but has just realised it's gone even better than he thought and he's reanimated PICASSO. The painting looked very much like a late-stage Picasso to me. I was very impressed with it. Thank you for creating it.


  3. To Chris,

    Many Thanks For Creating This Painting. We Njoy It.


    The World
