Tuesday 8 May 2012

how to persuade a ronan!

regan | 6:14 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
Ronan Broad, after reading the below post titled "yoghurt, games and villains", toodled off down to our local supermarket and bought himself some Bliss yoghurt for $3.69. The last tub of clearance Bliss by the sound of it too. One could say that Ronan is yoggin' good.

Earlier this afternoon Ronan was trying to persuade me to go to his flat and eat yog with him while he cooked dinner. However, I always go to his flat and he rarely comes here. I feel that he is holding a 60/40 split of the power in our relationship and I would like this to change. I am all about the equality.

So, in light of this, I tried to persuade Ronan to come here and bring his yog for a yog party. When trying to persuade a Ronan, you must remember three key things:

- Ronans are sneaky. Therefore you must be even more sneaky.
- Ronans love to purchase clothing online. Therefore, an effective method may be to tell them that they will receive a clothing voucher if they comply.
- Ronans do Masters in Biology. This means that they may have a particularly strange and compulsive relationship with yoghurt, since it is reliant on bacteria for its existence. (more on this later).

Here lie my failed attempts at persuading Ronan. R.I.P.

note: the time things are wrong since this was from earlier this afternoon!

Whilst perusing the internet the other day I happened to stumble upon a picture of my good friend Ronan. I found the image very humourous and searched for more. I found heaps!!

Many thanks to the noble men and women who made BIOLOGY MAN who he is today!! 

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