Monday 7 May 2012

talking to nick fraser on the internet

regan | 2:34 am | Best Blogger Tips

- Nick Fraser is currently living in Australia doing Honours in biochemistry

- Nick went to high school with us and often had scabs on his knees from doing too much exercise!!

- In Year 10 Nick encouraged us to dare him to run down Colombo Street wearing a bra (this sadly never eventuated)

- Nick is a star of the feature films Hindenburg, Cambodia, and WWI: Nick's Banishment 

- Nick is morally obliged to send us a postcard

- Nick once went to the movies with a group of us and consumed a lot of lemonade/popcorn. His body was so unaccustomed to the junk food that he threw up over Liam and Woodham's leg (I was luckily safe). Lauren then spread a great/tragic rumour throughout the school that Nick went crying to the toilets after the incident. This was soon adopted into popular memory and Nick has been fighting to clear his name ever since.

- Nick loves montages so here is a montage of nick himself!

here is nick circa 7/05/12 (approx 11.45pm Canberra time)

here is us watching nick and reacting to his various facial expressions

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