Monday 7 May 2012

Who am I?

Anonymous | 10:41 pm | Best Blogger Tips
Who am I, that is a good question. I am myself, there is not other better explanation. Everything else is just to short and will strip out what I really am. If I would try to explain myself with adjectives I could never give you a full understanding who I am. I would have to use an endless number of words and even if they would be finite I would never be quite sure that you understand a word like I do. Words have differnet meanings for everyone, most of them have a quite common meaning, but since everyone is grown up in his own way, there is no absolut meaning. The difference is maybe just a tiny bit, but if you have a whole sentence it grows more and more. Read a book, everyone understand it different. The best example is probably 'love', everyone has is own little meaning.

Ok, lets take a step back, as you can see my mind sometimes tries to answer such questions in a philosophical way. People know me under the name Michele Rocco (both my firstnames). I grew up in Germany, a place far far away from NZ, not just in a geographical way. Also in a culturic way, landscapes and everything else. Just recently I flew back to Germany after a 8 month long work and travel NZ trip. And I can tell you, I miss New Zealand.

So, why did I wrote this long stuff as introducion. I can't tell you, there isn't always a reason why you do something. There only can be a reason why you don't do someting. Maybe I wanted to show that I'm interested in such deep question, like how I am, do i really exists and so on. In a way, this brought me here on this blog to write. Why? Well to cut the long story short, I went on travel to find answers on question and somehow I met Regan out there.

I'm interested in art of every kind. But again, what is art? For me art is everything I enjoy, some people wouldn't call it art in the common sense. This post is maybe art, because I'm enjoying to write it. Sitting under a tree and and smiling can be art. I'm playing around with words and thoughts, just because I like it and maybe there is somebody out there who likes this too. Writing takes quite a bit of my 'art time', hopefully in some weeks I can release a book that I started to write in New Zealand. Unfortunately it is in German. As Regan would say: Than I have to wait till it is a bestseller and they translate it. Well, I don't believe that it becomes famous, because it is not that good. By the way, it can't never be a bestseller, because I'm not selling it. Art should be free and so my book is. Who wants to have a copy of it, has to pay the production price and can give me a donation.

Uhm, seems hard for me to give a short introduction ... lets go faster. I work as a web developer, so my medium for art is often a computer and the internet. (Have a look on my portfolio if you're interested:

Like everyone I like music and I hope I'm getting into the self making process (Guitar!). I'm pretty much in politics, very very much, could be the close distance to Hamburg with its alternative scene. Reading, of course, how can you write without reading ;). Talking rubish as you can see.

You can find me on Diaspora (, that is something like Facebook but just better. And I'm trying to convince people to join me there. If anyone is interested why I avoid Facebook I can give you a looong explanation.

I'm a movie expert, just because I spend way to much time with it. I saw the list of movies on here. Let me add these real goooood and unkown movies:
- Ink
- Mr Nobody,
- Into the Wild (this on is pretty known)
- Cashback

This is me, looking like a hobit while I hiking three days around the Mount Doom on the north island.

To finish this ... essay ... As you can see, an introduction can be long, but you still don't know the person. That is why I don't like the word introduction at all, because it makes you or at least others believe you know the person and you can jugde him or her on how he or she explained herself. I don't know you, you don't know me, at least not now. So if you see something that you wouldn't like in my character, ask me why I do so, tell me. By the way I'm vegan. This is mostly a point where people start to think that I'm crazy or just another 'I'm living sooo healthy'-person. I definetely don't live healty but I'm not sure if I'm crazy ;).

Here a nice video to stay creative.


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