Wednesday 9 May 2012

I is Lucy

Lucy | 8:38 pm | Best Blogger Tips
This is the first blog post I have ever done so it is quite exciting
I have a doll named Newa, a cat named Monty and a car named Bluey - these are my children.
I do have four sons also though; Regan, Ronan, Nick and Patrick. They can be naughty but I love them most of the time.
I have come up with concepts called house monkey and wellycat...both need more work at this stage.
Even though lots of people complain about TV, I really like it.
Some people say I'm weird, I say LOL!

Lucy X


  1. Tino pai! Please explain the meaning of "house monkey" and "wellycat"....I YEARN TO LEARN

  2. Are you a descendant of Malcolm by any chance?

  3. Oh, lul i get what you mean. My X was actually just a kiss to you all, not my name. Sorry.
