Tuesday 8 May 2012

yoghurt, games and villains

regan | 3:58 am | | | Best Blogger Tips
Earlier this year I converted Scott to Bliss yoghurt. It is thick and creamy and organic and and most importantly delicious. The only problem is that it costs a lot at the supermarket; it is normally $7.89 per 1kg which is out of our price range.

Occasionally however it is on sale.
Once it was $4.99. I was bold last week and got some one for $6.89 (ouch). In the 1kg variety there are three flavours. Here is a quick analysis of their names:

- Mango Passion has the most boring name of the three as it doesn't include a joke or threat. Mangos are nice though. There is a Phoenix Foundation song called "Orange and Mango" and it is pleasing.

- Berry Happy is pretty humourous, because "berry" and "very" rhyme so the implication is that you will be very happy when you eat this yoghurt. Unfortunately it's not a very well thought out name because presumably the yoghurt would not be able to make you happy in extremely unhappy circumstances (for example if you received a postcard from your long lost cat Snuffles which explained his hatred for your feeding regime and why he wilfully submitted to the Mrs. Harre's brilliant abduction scheme last week).

Chocolate Silence is a berry severe name...I'm a little intimidated by it. Perhaps if you eat the Chocolate Silence your mouth will be forever shut and you will be forced to live via brief and trivial  facebook conversations for the rest of your life (what a terrible fate that would be). I once tried Chocolate Silence at Nick's house but it was weird and not very nice. Considering I am a self-confessed chocoholic that is a significant and empirical judgement. Luckily Mango Passion and Berry Happy are both delishimo.

Anyway, back to the topic of hand (Scott's yoghurt addiction). Scott turned 21 on Sunday so we went to a nice brunch at his family's house which included Berry Happy yoghurt at Scott's request. The next day (which was yesterday), I was out and missed a call from Scott. Then I received a text from him reading "Bliss yoghurt heaven". When I got home Scott rushed up to me and said he had something to show me. He took me to the fridge and I was shocked.


Scott and Damien had bought five 1kg tubs between them
(one is the tub I got last week)

But at what cost? $3.69 each on clearance, that's what. Remarkable! But when will they expire? Watch the following educational video to find out!!

Scott was nice enough to get an extra one for me. So now the yoghurt race is on!

I will endeavour to document our struggle over the course of the week to eat 1.5 - 2kg of yoghurt each. That's 285g per day which is roughly two regular yoghurt pottles. Doesn't seem too bad. But will we be put off deliciously thick yoghurt forever? Will our western privilege finally catch up to us? Who knows, I have plans for my extra pottle anyway.

We also made an effort to document Woodham's gaming face tonight. I recently gave him my Team Fortress 2 backup files and he has been loving it ever since (to a worrying degree; he likes to shout "YOU'RE TERRIBLE!" whenever he kills someone). Woodham and Brad played a lot of TF2 earlier tonight (Brad later described the experience as being "in a trance"). It was great to watch.

While Brad and Woodham played TF2 Damien did the dishes in style and mucked around with Scott and I. I have adopted a new costume for cold evenings and may attach a super villain persona to it so that when my flatmates see me in it they will not think of Regan but instead of the Masked Merino Man. They will immediately run to the nearest exit whilst sprinkling chocolate at my feet.

Here are some other pictures I took earlier tonight!

Damien loves yoghurt almost as much as Scott!
Our new lounge configuration is working well. Sadly all of our seats are still damp because we didn't bring them in after  we put them outside for Scott's 21st and it ended up raining a lot. No matter what seat I pick I always seem to get damp pants but no one else does. Life is hard.

Woodham Scott and Damien bought a packet of cigarettes as props for our flatwarming  (we were all characters from Trailer Park Boys) but no one smokes so I created a cigarette wall. Behind the drink bottle lies Ollie's most treasured item, THE PRIZE

Last week Sophie gave us a bag full of woolen slipper socks her Grandmother had knitted! We love them very much and wear them erry day. Woodham calls them "slippi-socks" and the name has stuck. Thank you very very much Sophie and Sophie's Gran!

Here are our portraits on the dishes roster. You are privileged to see this. 


  1. Hey Regan,

    I have a question which I would like to pose to you.

    Why is it that you a) love chocolate & b) love yoghurt (especially bliss yoghurt) but c) dislike bliss chocolate silence yoghurt?

    Do you think it is entirely based upon the expectations imposed by the addition of the word silence to the title of said yoghurt?
    What is your opinion of chocolate dairy food? Do you 'rate' it? And are the two comparable in the slightest?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    p.s I am pleased to see you all taking a positive stand for bone density!! YAY FOR CALCIUM!! You are a public health inspiration.

    1. Kia ora Sophie. You pose a very good question!

      To answer your question, whenever I see a tub of Chocolate Silence yoghurt I immediately fear for my life. An unholy amount of passive aggressiveness emanates from the plastic exterior of each bucket; I can only assume as to how evil the contents are.

      Thank goodness for the plastic, for without the plastic the world would be covered in a severe Chocolate Silence! O behold, the plastic as it saves us!
