Wednesday 13 June 2012

maddox | 10:39 pm | Best Blogger Tips
hi, i just want to introduce myself. i hope this doesn't come across as too LOUD or scary or passive or anything, because i am none of those things, usually.

my display picture is not a true reflection of me; it is of a certain Alex Woodham, in a tent, on one of our camping trips. i chose this picture because
a) that expression is priceless;
b) he has a head torch on, which can be very handy in emergencies, which i feel my hometown has become somewhat accustomed to, so i want to increase awareness about the usefulness of head torches;
c) the space around him in the photo looks slightly 'hipster', which i may or may not have a preference for; and finally -
d) because i miss such specimens; Palmy lacks them, they are irreplaceable, and they mean a lot to me.

"Choice" for the invite, hemi.

haere mai, haere mai, haere mai :)

(this is me in my flat right now; an observation, for regan - extremely cold; hat + hood combo; cow-themed hot water bottle visible)


  1. Ka pai e hoa! I was confused at your picture description because I thought you were meaning the picture you had in the post. Which is Maddie. Not Woodham. But then I went to your profile and it was all okay.

    Honestly I don't think that I've seen that part of Woodham's thigh before so it was an enlightening experience. I feel that you should post Woodham in all his glory in this post as well as I was sorely disappointed when I full-size'd your profile and it did not enlarge at all. Our blog whanau is growing woohoo!

  2. Statement retracted - it did nlarge, but only slightly. Still njoyed.
