Wednesday 13 June 2012

i met lady gaga

regan | 6:54 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
Today I was biking home from school when I noticed a strange sight at the Riccarton Road bus stop. 

Large person with no arms
 I went back to ask if they were meant to be Lady Gaga. I was correct! As I took a photo I thought the girl in the background was taking a photo of the gigantic sitting Lady as well but it turned out she was taking a photo of me taking a photo.

Lady Gaga was her sculpture project for her Year 13 art class, and she was taking photos of people's reactions. I told her it was a very cool idea as I thoroughly njoy social experiments, especially those that take place at Riccarton Road bus stops. Allegedly the doll had received a lot of abuse which is sad. Though I am not a fan of Gaga herself I was a big fan of the idea and hope that she gets excellence for her work!

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