Saturday 16 June 2012

How to Play: Chinese Pictures

regan | 5:39 pm | Best Blogger Tips
I was introduced to this game on Saturday the 31st of March by Chris "Original" Wethey who had been introduced by Tim Cederman. It is a great tasting game.

I explained this game to a letter I sent to Nick (G. Wizard) a while ago. In supreme time-saving fashion I had the intuition to scan the explanation before I sent it so I could post it here rather than copy it out again:

Please note that the game of Chinese Pictures has evolved since this explanation was dutifully written. When we play the game now we cut lengthwise strips of A4 paper, then divide each strip into a number of small sections with pen depending on how many people are playing. This results in each person getting a strip of paper that looks like a comic strip, so as you pass it round you can simply fold back the square that the next person isn't meant to see. It means that everything is a lot easier to keep track of at the end as there are less pieces of paper floating round and less cutting to do at the start!

I will post a round of Chinese pictures now; see it here!

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