Tuesday 26 June 2012

Roses At My Table (Documentary)

regan | 2:04 pm | | Best Blogger Tips
Here's a great short documentary film Scott and I just watched. It has a great soundtrack and is a great example of communal living. Here is the synopsis:

This documentary tells the story of the Wingnut Anarchist Collective in Richmond, VA, an organizing group and cooperative living space aimed at fostering mutual aid and grassroots resistance to authority. From maintaining a community center to carrying out occupations and disaster relief, the video illustrates some of the many ways a handful of committed people can transform their lives and their community.

Watch it here/NJOY

1 comment:

  1. I watched it yesterday, it's awesome. Well, than I went to our communal space and is crap compared with them.

    Anyone knows a website where you have a map with communal camps/houses all over the world? Would be nice to just look up which communal house is close to you.
