Sunday 3 June 2012

on submitting stories

regan | 9:28 pm | Best Blogger Tips
Damien and I both submitted entries to the NZ Flash Fiction competition. Results should be out around mid-June. 

"So, what are you going to do with your winnings, Damien? I'm planning to fly to New York and establish myself as a world-renowned writer." - Regan

"Just go to Westfield aye." - Damien

is this it?


  1. That photo terrifies me. I am thankful that at least it was not the mall food court.

    1. Last Boxing Day I had the misfortune of visiting the mall (it must have been vital, probably to get supplies for our new years trip) and I can remember feeling very disturbed as I slowly came down the escalator into the hordes of people. It was like descending into some sick caricature of human evolution :(
