Monday 25 June 2012

this is a expressive title

Anonymous | 5:25 am | Best Blogger Tips
Well, I can't keep up with your creativity but I'm trying. Unfortunately I took the advice "keep you workplace clean" a little bit too serious and ended up cleaning my room for almost a whole week. At least six hours yesterday, but now I'm done and able to start with the art.
Why took it so long for me to clean up? Because it was time for a real clean up, I threw everything on the floor and and sorted everything in a new way. I found some things I didn't know I own.

some days ago my room looked like that

As you maybe can see I started to decorate the wall, it's not finished yet but I'm making progress.

I bought a graphictablet (the thing which makes you able to paint on your computer) secondhand. I followed a workflow paper that helps me to decide if I really need to buy somethings. I created the sheet because I seem to tend to buy unusefull stuff, and sometimes I already own it but didn't know where to find it in my room.

consume is bad

Back to the graphictablet, you really have to get used to it, but it is fun. Unfortunalety this first picture isn't really good but I think the meaning is great. Oh and perhaps my english grammar is getting bad these times, hope the sentence on the card is right or it at least doesn't loses its meaning.

the card I made for a friend

I hope you like this post and hopefully soon I can show you some new pictures of my room.


  1. This is awesome! I love the card and flowchart. Looking forward to seeing your room too!

    I am going to have a nap now then will send you a proper email!

  2. The flowchart is brilliant!

  3. I love that card. The English is a little off but that makes it so good!

  4. I like how your mess has kind of made a wall you have to climb over to get into your room. It will slow down any invaders for a few crucial seconds!

  5. Thanks very much to all. It's good to hear good feedback. That helps to start things that in the first place doesn't look good at all.

    The mess was a wall, it kept me from getting into my bed without cleaning up a little bit. And I revoke the permission for my parents to go into my room for that while ;).
